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Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Welcome to Bloom Tuition and Education's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, where we prioritise the welfare and well-being of every child in our care, irrespective of their background. This policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding children from all forms of abuse, in compliance with legal requirements and best practices, and guides our dedicated team of Bloom Leaders and responsible adults in ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for the children we serve.


Bloom Tuition and Education complies with local child safeguarding procedures. It is our duty to record and report to children's services any concerns regarding the potential abuse of children in our care (emotional, physical, sexual, or neglect). 


Our primary responsibility is the welfare and well-being of children in our care. As such, we have a duty to the children, parents/carers, and Bloom Leaders to act swiftly and responsibly in any instance that may come to our attention. All Bloom Leaders will work as part of a multi-agency team when necessary in the best interest of the child.


The Legal Framework for This Policy

  • Children Act (2004/1989)

  • Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018/2020)

  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006)

  • Counter-Terrorism Act and Security Act (2015)

  • Multi-Agency Practice Guidelines

  • Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003

  • Serious Crime Act 2015


Prevent Duty

In line with section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (2015), we understand the importance of Bloom Leaders being able to identify and recognise vulnerable children and to have "due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism." We acknowledge the importance of protecting children from the risk of radicalisation and promoting British values in the same way we protect and safeguard children from any other form of abuse. We will ensure that all Bloom Leaders can notice changes in children's behaviour, just as they would with any other safeguarding matter, as there is no single way to identify a child at risk of vulnerability or susceptibility to radicalisation/extremism. 


Our Aim

Our aim is to ensure that all children receive the highest level of care, provision, and education. The health, safety, and welfare of all our children are of paramount importance to all the adults who work with Bloom. Our children have the right to protection, regardless of age, gender, race, culture, background, or disability. Children have the right to be safe within our settings.


We are committed to:

  • Building a "culture of safety" in which children are protected from abuse and harm in all areas of our service delivery.

  • Responding promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns of abuse that may occur and working with statutory agencies in accordance with the procedures outlined in "What to Do If You're Worried a Child Is Being Abused."

  • Promoting awareness of child abuse issues throughout our training and learning programmes for adults.

  • Empowering young children and students through the curriculum, promoting their rights to be strong, resilient, and listened to.

  • Ensuring that all adults are alert to the signs and understand what is meant by safeguarding, and are aware of the different ways in which children can be harmed.

  • Ensuring a robust training system in which all Leaders are confident in the policies and procedures relating to the safeguarding and welfare of the children.


It is our policy to provide a secure and safe environment for all children from abuse. Bloom does not allow an adult to be left alone who has not received their enhanced DBS check clearance, and all our Bloom Leaders will receive updated and relevant safeguarding training as part of their induction. We adhere to Ofsted requirements regarding references and Disclosure and Barring Service checks for all Leaders and volunteers to ensure that no disqualified person or unsuitable person has any access or contact with the children. We understand the importance of safe ratios and ensure that we follow the legal requirements for the minimum number of Leaders present with the children at any time, as outlined for Out of Schools Services.


Our Designated Safeguarding Leads Officer is ELEANOR MOTYER LOWNDES, who works to coordinate child protection issues.


Looked After Children

We are committed to providing quality provision based on equality of opportunity for all children and their families. All Bloom Leaders are committed to doing all they can to enable "looked after" children in their care to achieve and reach their full potential. We recognise that children who are being looked after have often experienced traumatic situations, emotional or sexual abuse, or neglect. However, we also acknowledge that not all looked after children have experienced abuse, and that there are various reasons for children to be taken into the care of the local authority. Whatever the reason, a child's separation from their home and family signifies a disruption in their lives that has an impact on their emotional well-being. In our setting, we place emphasis on promoting children's right to be strong, resilient, and listened to. Our policy and practice guidelines for looked after children are based on two important concepts: attachment and resilience. The basis of this is to promote secure attachments in children's lives as the foundation for resilience.


What Is Abuse?

A person may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm or by failing to act to prevent harm. Bloom Leaders recognise that child abuse can and does happen in all types of families. The following identifies some possible manifestations of child abuse; however, these lists are not exhaustive.


Neglect - Neglect is the persistent failure to meet basic physical and psychological needs, which may result in the serious impairment of the child's health, emaciation, or undernourishment. Bloom Leaders may notice behavioural signs such as a child who always seems hungry, tired, has ill-fitting clothes, poor personal hygiene, etc.



  • The concern should be discussed with the parent/carer.

  • The relevant school will be notified of the discussion and concerns.

  • Such discussions will be recorded, and the parent/carer will have access to such records on request.


Physical Abuse - Physical signs may involve unexplained bruising/marks in unlikely areas, facial bruising, hand/finger marks, bite marks, burns, lacerations, or abrasions. An adult may notice several behavioural signs that also indicate physical abuse, such as a child who shies away from physical contact, is withdrawn, or is aggressive towards others, or their behaviour changes suddenly.



  • All signs of marks/injuries noticed on a child will be recorded immediately on a pre-existing injury form and signed by parents.

  • The incident will be discussed with the parent/carer at the earliest opportunity (when signing the form).

  • If there appear to be any queries or concerns regarding the injury, the school will be notified immediately.


Sexual Abuse - Physical signs may include bruising consistent with being held firmly, discomfort in walking/sitting, pain or itching in the genital area, discharge, or blood on underwear, or loss of appetite. Behavioural signs may include drawings or play showing indicators of sexual activity, sexually explicit language, and knowledge of adult sexual behaviour, seductive behaviour towards others, low self-esteem, and a child who is withdrawn.



  • The observed instances will be detailed in a confidential report.

  • The observed instances will be reported immediately to the school.


Emotional Abuse - Physical signs of emotional abuse may include a general failure to thrive, not meeting expected developmental milestones, and behaviourally, a child may be attention-seeking, telling lies, have an inability to have fun and join in play, low self-esteem, speech disorders, and be inappropriately affectionate towards others.



  • The concerns should be discussed with the parent/carer.

  • Such discussions will be recorded, and the parent/carer will have access to such records on request.

  • If there appear to be any queries or concerns regarding the injury, the school will be notified immediately.


Recording Suspicions of Abuse and Disclosures (Procedures)

Bloom Leaders will maintain an objective record of any observation or disclosure, which includes:

  • Child's name/address/D.O.B and age

  • Date, time, location of the observation or disclosure

  • EXACT words spoken by the child; this should not be changed by an adult "to sound better."

  • Name of the person to whom the concern was reported, with the date and time, and names of any other person present at the time.

  • Any discussion held with parents/carer

  • Name and signature of the person completing the report/observation.


However, when identifying any potential instances of abuse, adults must always be aware that children may demonstrate individual or combinations of indicators detailed above but may not be the subject of abuse. Individual or isolated incidents do not necessarily indicate abuse. Bloom Leaders should always remain vigilant and must NOT ignore warning signs and should contact the relevant services at any stage for support.


Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

As our duty of care, we have a statutory obligation under national safeguarding protocols (e.g., Working Together to Safeguard Children) to protect young girls and women from FGM as it is an illegal, extremely harmful practice and a form of abuse. It is essential that we work closely together with other agencies if we suspect a child has suffered or is likely to suffer FGM as appropriate safeguarding efforts. This is reflected in the Multi-Agency Practice Guidelines.


If a child in our care shows signs and symptoms (see below) of FGM or we have good reason to suspect the child is at risk of FGM, we MUST refer the child using our existing standard safeguarding procedures as it is a form of child abuse. When a child is identified as "at risk" of FGM, this information MUST be brought to the child's GP's attention and health visitor, as per Section 47 of The Children Act 1989.


Important Signs & Symptoms to Look Out for If You Suspect the Child Is "At Risk" of FGM

  • Father comes from a community that is known to practise FGM.

  • Mother/Family may have limited contact with people outside the family.

  • It is known that the mother has FGM.

  • Family does not engage with professionals (health, school, other).

  • Parents say that they or a relative will take the child abroad for a prolonged period.

  • Child has confided that she is to have a "special procedure" to "become a woman" or to be "more like her mum/sister/aunt," etc.

  • Family/child are already known to social services.


Important Signs & Symptoms to Look Out for If You Suspect the Child Has Had FGM

  • Child regularly attends GP appointments, has frequent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).

  • Increased emotional and physiological needs, e.g., withdrawals, depression, or significant changes in behaviour.

  • Child talks about pain/discomfort between the legs.

  • Child has difficulty walking, sitting for long periods of time - which wasn't a problem previously.


Significant or Immediate Risk

  • Child confides in a member of Bloom Team/professional that FGM has taken place.

  • Parent or family member discloses that a professional/nursery child has had FGM.


Toxic Trio

The 'toxic trio' is made up of three issues: domestic abuse, mental ill-health, and substance misuse. These issues often co-exist, particularly in families where significant harm to children has occurred. The Children's Commissioner reported in 2018 that 100,000 children in England were in a household where one adult faces all three 'toxic trio' issues to a severe extent, and 420,000 children were in a household where one adult faces all three to a moderate/severe extent.


One reason why these issues often co-exist is that a parent misusing drugs or alcohol is more likely to be in a relationship where domestic abuse occurs – those who misuse drugs or alcohol have a greater chance of experiencing mental ill-health. Conversely, adults with mental health problems are more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol; there are many different situations that could lead to all three of the toxic trio arising.


It is important to be aware of the toxic trio because it is viewed as a key indicator of increased risk of harm to children and young people. Studies such as Brandon et al. (2012) have shown that, in 86% of incidents where children were seriously harmed or died, one or more of the trios played a significant role – similar findings are reported inside Botham et al. (2016).


Useful Contact Information:

NSPCC/Childline: 0800 1111

Prevent: 02073407264



In conclusion, Bloom Tuition and Education remains steadfast in our commitment to safeguarding and protecting every child under our care. By adhering to the principles outlined in this policy and working collaboratively with our team and external agencies, we strive to provide a secure, nurturing, and empowering environment where every child can thrive and be heard.


Recent review date: 05/09/2024

Review frequency: Yearly


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